南丁格尔基金是我们的年度主要筹款活动,支持我们的最高优先事项-学术卓越, faculty support, 视觉及表演艺术, athletics, financial aid, 课外经验, 学校的传统, 还有更多.

慷慨的父母送的年度礼物, trustees, alumnae, grandparents, faculty, staff, 朋友们为我们提供的每一个项目和机会提供无限制的资金支持. We also encourage you to donate your time and energy to our efforts, as parent and alumnae volunteers are critical to the Nightingale Fund's success.

忠诚协会成员(校友, parents, 教职员及职员, past parents, grandparents, and friends) have made a gift to 南丁格尔基金 for five consecutive years or more. 南丁格尔基金的任何金额的捐赠都将被计入忠诚协会的会员资格. Consecutive years of giving are counted by fiscal year, which runs from July 1 to June 30.


南丁格尔基金 plays a major role in everything we do.

南丁格尔基金 is the core of our day-to-day operations, 您100%免税的礼物让每个学生都能享受南丁格尔的教育. 我们依靠南丁格尔基金的捐赠,提供即时和重要的bet365手机版,让我们的学生和教师蓬勃发展. The fund supports the school in the following areas:


跨所有部门的计划支持,使我们能够增强学术经验和保持稳健的编程, including arts, athletics, STEAM, 外文(类), 课外活动

丰富课堂之外的学术内容, 比如本地和全球旅行, guest speakers, 还有特别活动

Build and maintain connections with our alumnae community through virtual, local, 以及全球倡议


安装高品质HEPA空气净化器, 双极电离空气洗涤器, 以及遍布校舍的MERV-13过滤器



加强清洁和消毒措施(即.e. 免提设备, 外部水龙头灯显示容量, 便携式手部消毒站, and disinfecting wipe dispensers throughout the building)

为所有学生提供预防保健用品, faculty, and staff, 包括温度计, masks, 还有面罩

物理植物的变化(i.e. 礼堂的墙壁, student center, 将现有的公共空间改造成技术设备齐全的教室


1:1 Program, personal learning device provided to all students (K-XII)

课堂创新和工具,增强面对面和远程学习体验, 允许实时反馈(i.e. 摄影机及麦克风)

订阅在线学习项目, books, resourses, including SORA, Flipster, Kanopy, Pebble Go, EBSCO, GALE, PROQUEST, Britannica, and Oxford




Integrated initiatives throughout the community, school life, and advising program; i.e. US Wellness Day, mental health support, and workshops for students of color

校内护士, 备有急救和隔离设备的医务室, and first aid training for all hired school interns

Divisional counselors in Lower, Middle, and Upper School

Specialized programming for 教职员及职员 around mental health topics (i.e. listening skills for non-counselors, mental health, first aid, and mindfulness training).

Faculty Support


Support the implementation of new or enhanced curricular programs



Antiracist training for faculty/staff, parents, and alumnae

Affinity groups


Support for BIPOC Students/Faculty via SDLC and POCC conference (Virtual for 2020)

Celebratory community event experiences for all, including Cultural Night and Homecoming

Erika Hageman Robinson陛下基金致力于支持和加强学校的多样性, equity, 以及包容性举措. This fund, 创建感谢校友参与, 是为了纪念艾丽卡·哈格曼·罗宾逊75年的名字, the first Black student to have enrolled at Nightingale in 1965.


$5.7 million of financial aid awarded for 2020-2021 school year_


Need-based scholarships for programs such as Hobbyhorse (after school program), 阳光灿烂的日子(夏日节目), 以及学术机构规划

额外费用的基于需求的援助, including international student travel and experiential events like prom and graduation

Impact Stories




While our fall reopening required a variety of new health and safety protocols, 雇用额外的教师支持是必不可少的,以满足我们新的日常工作的要求. 就这样,教员研究员计划诞生了! 感谢我们社区的支持, a total of 17 full-time Faculty Fellows have been hired to date, 12 of whom are alumnae ranging from the Class of 2006 to 2016. 研究员们很快就成为我们项目的关键,并将自己的经验带到最前沿, 在课堂上提供重要的支持, 管理社区时间, 监控我们的健康状况, 监督入住, 为我们Hawks@Home的教员管理课程, 还有更多.

Technology Brings New Approach to Classroom Learning

Today, more than ever, technology is vital to the learning experience. 感谢像你这样的捐赠者的支持, 所有k - 12年级的学生, 无论是亲自学习还是通过Hawks@Home学习, 是积极的课堂参与者. From logging in to divisional assemblies or engaging in a lively small group discussion, 我们的教师有能力进行实时教学. 这是踏入第二个世纪的好方法!

Expanding School Transportation for Students and Faculty

With the wellbeing of our community top of mind in planning our fall reopening, 为我们的学生和老师提供往返南丁格尔的安全交通工具变得越来越重要. 您的慷慨使我们能够确保交通工具不会成为每天通过蓝色大门返回的障碍,无论是从外部行政区旅行还是对公共交通感到不安, Nightingale has implemented a private bus system for our students and faculty. 从布鲁克林到曼哈顿市中心, 皇后区和布朗克斯, we are grateful to offer this opportunity to our community!


二年级的学生参观了皇后区博物馆,开始了他们为期一年的纽约市学习. Students took in the panoramic model of New York City, which brought to life the flat maps of all five boroughs they studied in the classroom. The model, 始建于1964年, 包含超过850个,000 buildings and is built on a scale of 1" to 100'. 参观完博物馆后, 学生们参加了一个艺术项目,他们用纸板做了一个城市街区的模型. 这次旅行为在这令人兴奋的一年里通过频繁的实地考察了解他们的城市奠定了基础, 实践项目, books, photos, 以及网络媒体. 从头开始了解纽约,让我们的学生在建立关系方面领先一步,这对best365中文版至关重要.

Peer Leaders Building Relationships Across Divisions

同伴领导小组计划旨在提供导师和领导技能建设的机会,以选择老年人. 由专业教师珍妮·麦克菲利领导, LCSW-R, 咨询主任, 还有瑞秋·莱维顿, LCSW, 中学辅导员, 该计划直接与正在初中和高中实施的社会情感支持计划联系起来.

同伴领导帮助七年级和九年级的学生,并通过管理学术来支持他们, 解决冲突, 明智的决策, and more. 同辈领导指导每个周期的咨询会议,并定期会面,汇报和计划他们的下一课,以回应他们的小组的特殊需求. 低年级的学生受益于值得信任的人际关系,同龄人的领导可以培养终身的领导技能.


Your gift supports our commitment to global and cultural competency. 教室超越了蓝色的门, 你们的支持为我们的学生提供了机会,让他们跟随自己的好奇心,在我们的墙外质疑环境. 通过这一点,他们成为了有能力的领导者、批判性思想家和自己生活的代理人.

Last fall, 艾斯林·肯尼迪21年, and two faculty members traveled to India for the 2019 Round Square Conference. 在她住的十天里, Aisling听取了主讲人对小组讨论中分享的想法进行了扩展, 参与服务项目, 还游览了当地的风景. “After discussing global issues with students from around the world, I more fully understand that when we come together, 我们比以前强大多了,” said Kennedy.

Teaching and Learning for Nightingale's Second Century

超过100名社区成员被欢迎通过蓝色的门来体验“重访教室”, 一个特别的百年纪念活动. 这一天提供了一个独特的机会,参加各种课程,并有机会体验best365中文版的魔力.

南丁格尔基金 allows us to adapt our curriculum, 适应我们学生和社区的需要, 吸引顶尖的教师和行政领导. 活动参与者能够亲身体验到这种好处,因为他们看到了校舍中的关系在行动.

Your annual support ensures that Nightingale remains a school on the move and furthermore, allows us to offer community-wide events that honor our school as one that stands 百年雄风.

Middle School Debate Promotes Listening and Resilience

The Nightingale Find supports cornerstone academic programs like the Middle School Debate. 我们不能运行这个程序, 谁的费用包括注册费, judge stipends, 以及教员薪酬, 没有我们慷慨的捐助者的支持.

南丁格尔提供了一个由七年级和八年级学生组成的中学辩论俱乐部和辩论队,为渴望它的学生提供额外的智力严格性. 这些自我激励, 专门的辩手在每个周期都要花两个时间进行必要的研究, 建立他们的案例, 参加辩论练习.

这种开创性的中学经历提供了形成论点并直接发表的经验, 使用修辞和情感, and learning from failure when a tight competition is lost.

Ways to Give

Give Online Now

这是向南丁格尔基金捐款最简单的方法. Click the link below to fill out our donate form and give today.



你的礼物可以达到三倍之远! 从你的雇主那里得到相应的礼物是增加你对南丁格尔大学的经济支持的一个很好的方式. Please check with your company to see if they offer matching gifts. 让我们知道如果我们可以协助这个过程.

Get Involved


We are grateful for the enthusiasm and commitment of our class agent volunteers. 南丁格尔基金级别的代理人在帮助我们实现每年的财务和参与目标方面发挥着至关重要的作用. 和进步办公室一起, alumnae and parent class agents encourage support of the Nightingale Fund among peers, enhancing our culture of philanthropy through personal outreach.

欲了解更多信息或参与,请联系 giving@nannolight.com.

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